Prof. Dr. Hans Waschkowski
Prof. Dr. Hans Waschkowski has been a Senior Advisor at Aquin since 2011. Prof. Waschkowski has extensive experience in advising small and mid-sized companies and entrepreneurs in financial matters of strategic importance. His focus is on complex financing, changes in shareholder structures including succession solutions and related transactions as well as the management of investments. His expertise is derived from many years of banking activity in the financial markets and corporate banking, which led him to the board of the Landesgirokasse (1987-1998) and Landesbank Baden-Württemberg (LBBW, 1999-2002). He has accompanied and supported selected clients in the above-mentioned areas since 2003.

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Schackstraße 1
80539 Munich
t +49 (0) 89 41 35 39 0
f +49 (0) 89 41 35 39 29