Hans Knürr
Business Succession
Hans Knürr chaired Aquin’s Supervisory Board from inception until 2014 and has since been a Senior Advisor here at Aquin. He is an acknowledged expert in the field of corporate succession. The untimely death of his father left him in charge of a metal-working company with 56 employees and a turnover of €350,000 at the young age of 20. He proceeded to turn the business into a public company (Knürr AG) operating in 32 countries, with 1,150 employees and generating sales of €145 million. As part of his succession planning, he handed over the company to a British management team in 2000. Hans Knürr currently holds seats on various advisory and supervisory boards and passes on his entrepreneurial experience as a consultant at Switzerland’s most successful private equity house, CapVis.

Aquin & Cie. AG
Schackstraße 1
80539 Munich
t +49 (0) 89 41 35 39 0
f +49 (0) 89 41 35 39 29