Dr. Axel Brandi
Dr. Axel Brandi served on the supervisory board of Aquin from its inception through 2011 and has since been a Senior Advisor here at Aquin. The lawyer and notary is a senior partner of the East Westphalian law firm Brandi, which consists of about 70 professionals located throughout East Westphalia, Leipzig, Paris and Beijing. Dr. Axel Brandi specializes in business succession, acquisitions, restructuring and the establishment and participation of foundations. He has accompanied medium-sized companies in various advisory and supervisory boards, including Aquin’s for many years. He is a lecturer at the University of Bielefeld in the field of corporate and commercial law and has held leading positions in professional organizations for many years.

Aquin & Cie. AG
Schackstraße 1
80539 Munich
t +49 (0) 89 41 35 39 0
f +49 (0) 89 41 35 39 29